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IPS Invision Community 🇷🇺



Рекомендуемые сообщения



Это приложение добавит простую систему баллов в ваше сообщество, позволяя вашим членам зарабатывать очки за размещение Контента.

  • Customizable - choose your own name and symbol denomination for your points.
  • Administrators can determine the amount of points earned for each type of content. So, members can earn 10 points for posting a new topic, 5 points for posting a Blog Entry, 1 points for each Gallery Image, etc.
  • Banking - You can allow your members to deposit points into a Bank, which they can then gain interest on at specific intervals (for example, 10% once a week, or 50% once a year).
  • Donations - Users can donate points to other users to award them for being helpful.
  • Points Leaderboard - Showcase which Members and Groups have the most points overall.
  • Salaries - Assign individual member groups a weekly salary which they can earn.
  • Reactions Integration - Members can earn, or lose, points based on reactions from other members.
  • Warnings Integration - Administrators can assign a loss of points anytime a member is warning with a defined warning reason.

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